

Positive experience

Negative experience

Balancing opportunities and risks

The analysis of opportunities and threats (risks) is a task in the preparation of business decisions and is necessary in order to be able to weigh up the expected returns from them against the risks (risk-appropriate evaluation of options for action, such as investments).

· Don’t make a problematic decision.

· Weighing the pros and cons of solutions.

· Consciously taking a calculated risk.

· No room for maneuvers, just the question of who it affects and when.

Evaluation of results in relation to reference points

The benefit to the decision-maker is not measured by the absolute benefit. It refers to a reference point and the change to that reference point. Losses are weighted more heavily than profits due to the emotions that arise compared to profits. In the loss area, the behavior of individuals is also much more willing to take risks than in the profit area.

· Securing the future through agile organization.

· Adhere to the time frame and do not interfere with ongoing operations.

· New frameworks (infrastructure, technology, remote work, leadership.

· Changing offices leads to deterioration.

· Fears of not understanding the new system.

· Employee resignation creates moral dilemma.

Willingness to act with a high level of motivation

The willingness to act describes the motivation to perform a certain action. It is influenced by internal and external factors and is therefore a control regulator for the execution of actions.

· Spontaneous problem solving.

· Learning from change.

· Coping with the team’s tendency to retreat.

· Challenges for managers and employees in adapting to new technologies and ways of working.

· Not being able to change anything about a situation itself.

Comparison of alternatives based on losses/gains.

Losses are weighted more heavily than profits due to the emotions that arise compared to profits. In the loss area, the behavior of individuals is also much more willing to take risks than in the profit area.

· Seeing the challenges of transitioning to remote work as an opportunity.

· There are two sides to change.

· Dissatisfaction alternatives to the current employer.

· Ambiguities in the organization of work (agile/classic) create coordination problems.

· Heteronomy.

· Have to implement the decisions of others.

Balancing and reflection

Reflection also describes the ability to perceive one’s own behavior, mental concepts, feelings and attitudes and to critically question them in relation to the environment, and is therefore a necessary prerequisite for learning from experiences, before, during or especially after an event.

· Identification of solutions

· Be flexible and adaptable

· Consciously managing risks.

· The customer makes the decision.

· Learning curve focus on the essentials.

· Coercion through assumption of responsibility.

Motivation and volition

Motivation is the desire to do something; volition is the absolute commitment to achieving something.

· Don’t want to give up.

· Adapt.

· Joint decision with team, being able to rely on each other.

· Being unmotivated.

· Resignation.

· Frustration.

· “Now more than ever” attitude.

· Lack of recognition.

Implementation (interest in planning)

Systematically planning the change process.

· Systematic approach.

· Close coordination with stakeholders.

· Feedback sought.

· Alignment with what is possible.

· No, no plan followed.

· Planning was not sufficient.