Factor 1 “Serve Biodiversity Through Followers”

13 Possess highly developed biological and/or operational skills appropriate to the program

49 Follow through on promises and commitments

3 Identify what is happening to, or affecting, biodiversity (populations, productivity, threats)

15 Empower staff to get the job done

60 Take the complexity of conservation issues into account when making decisions

5 Ensure that planning is flexible and make changes when required

7 Consider views of stakeholders and partners

59 Use knowledge of conservation to inform decisions

27 Be receptive to and seek out diverse opinions and alternative solutions

61 Care about the implications of decisions and how they relate to conservation success

50 Treat others with dignity and respect

16 Know people’s strengths and channel their energy and passion to maximum effect

21 Have two-way communication meetings to discuss progress and goals

29 Enable staff to ask questions and challenge thinking

30 Encourage staff to share experiences, problems, ideas and learn from mistakes, without fear of criticism

31 Set high standards, giving a personal example of what is expected

Factor 2 “Understand Operational Work”

8 Ensure planning starts from understanding current performance against intended program purpose*

26 Provide training on a just-in-time basis

18 Involve the people doing the work in data analysis, decisions and implementing changes

39 Establish a fundraising strategy

37 Understand what you can influence and avoid distraction by unsolvable problems outside your control

36 Allow people doing the work the freedom to experiment with methods to improve outcomes

10 Advocate good governance, particularly in large complex projects

19 Place responsibility and control of information in the hands of people who do the work

57 Look to others with more experience for feedback and discussion of ideas

12 Ensure consistency and alignment between plans, action on the ground and results

14 Prioritise the work by asking key questions and checking results

28 Understand risk and make suitable contingencies

32 Appraise the system and organisation of work, rather than people

4 Set clear, short-term goals

25 Give people the opportunity to ask for training

11 Be orientated towards “hands-on” management, working with staff.

23 Ensure managers lead and that they spend time with staff, listen to concerns and enable contributions

Factor 3 “Sense of Reality”

24 Expect the project (and its needs) to evolve through time

40 Determine relevant financial & non-financial measures of performance

34 Make improvements based on biodiversity needs and process performance, not arbitrary targets

35 Recognise the difference between neglect and lack of capability (training, experience or resources)

38 Focus both internally and externally, understanding intra- and inter-organisational dynamics

9 Ensure that staff embrace project aims and culture (vision, understanding the system, goals)

2 Establish a shared sense of purpose throughout the team.

41 Base information, technology and resource plans on how they will help people’s core work

22 Place an emphasis on personally clarifying, testing and establishing good understanding

Factor 4 “Visionary Leadership”

56 Achieve a good reputation in conservation through personal successes

45 Determine whether data on staff, communities or society would be useful for the program

6 Measure performance against project aims

1 Establish a stable, inspiring and compelling shared long-term vision or “big picture”

62 Be aware of one’s own strengths and weaknesses

Factor 5 “Authentic Engagement”

55 Have a clear personal philosophy of leadership

46 Talk about future trends (threats, socio-economics, funds, capacity) that influence how work gets done*

64 Recognise how one’s own emotions and the feelings of the team influence decisions and actions

53 Support the work-related decisions that people make on their own

68 Let individual team members express their own skills and talents

67 Change leadership style and approach depending on what the situation requires

66 Identify potential leaders and support their development

52 Focus on what can be learned when things don’t go as expected

48 Encourage people to have confidence in their own abilities

54 Publicly recognise and reward people who exemplify commitment to shared values

69 Encourage team members to form networks of support with colleagues

33 Manage morale, celebrate success, and creatively reward people’s contributions

70 Be open to self-development by engaging support from those who are more skilled or experienced

17 Understand cultural differences and manage people’s expectations and viewpoints sensitively

65 Provide expertise, guidance and support to the team

42 Create an attitude of co-operation with project partners, sharing information to improve effectiveness

Factor 6 “Purpose Before Ego”

43 Anticipate unexpected outcomes; integrate management flexibility alongside professional rigour

58 Communicate with conviction and demonstrate passion for the work that is being done

20 Ensure that an understanding of what matters to biodiversity steers the work that people do

63 Be willing to say “I don’t know”

44 Be prepared to seek specialist advice and learn from external sources