
Medical history


Conventional control methods and problem

A(45 years old)

Diagnosed in 2010

His physical abilities are slight movements of the index finger. The patient could not pronounce a word. The patient is under bed-ridden status.

Patient uses the index finger to push the mouse button for clicking (Figure 6(b)). Care givers have difficulties to adjust the fingers and mouse position adequately.

B(64 years old)

Diagnosed in 2013

His physical abilities are right hand finger and wrist movement. The patient could pronounce words with some difficulty.

Patient can use the mouse with some difficulty. The patient symptom is becoming serious and requires environmental control system and input devices.

C(48 years old)

Diagnosed in 2012

He can stand and walk with some difficulty. He can move his hands slightly. The patient could not pronounce a word.

He operates a smart phone to communicate with others using slight finger movements. But the symptom is becoming serious. He requires an input device for computer.

D(72 years old)

Diagnosed in 2009

The patient can move her finger slightly. The patient could not pronounce a word. The patient is under bed-ridden status.

She uses the index and middle fingers to push the button (Figure 6(c)). But the task requires lot of concentration and physical strength.