


Tasks and instructions

1 et 2

Warm up

15 min

- Slow run around the athletics track: 5 min.

- Educational running (heels to buttocks, knees to chest, alternate leg swings) and dynamic stretching: 5 min

1 et 2

Muscle building: specific exercise 1

15 min

- Flexions-extensions; jump rope; multidirectional hops; skipped lunges; strengthening of the muscles of the abdominal wall: right flexion-extension, flexion-extension with twist to the right and left; cladding (planes: anterior, posterior and lateral) push-ups. 2 sets, 30 s of effort per exercise, 30 s of recovery between exercises and 2 min of rest between sets; execution at maximum speed.


75 m sprints: joint exercise

20 min

- Alternate 75 m sprint with active recovery walking for 25 m around the athletics track: number of sprints = 18 to 24, sprint duration = 15 to 20 s, recovery duration = 20 to 30 s

1 et 2

Fartleck: specific exercise 2

25 min

Perform alternatively:

- 60 m sprint, followed by 40 m active recovery around the athletics track: 12 reps, sprint time = 10 s, recovery time = 30 s;

- Ascent at maximum speed of 60 bleacher steps in a sprint, followed by a slow descent: 3 chained repetitions.

- Walking the width of the football field, fast running in 25 s on the diagonal, running backwards on the opposite width, fast running in 25 s on the opposite diagonal: 3 repetitions.

- Ascents at maximum speed of 30 bleacher steps in jump with feet together and slow descent: 3 repetitions, followed by 3 laps of the athletics track by performing each of the following exercises alternately over 40 m; sprint, slow run, sideways jog left side at maximum speed, run backwards at maximum speed, sideways jog right side at maximum speed and walk;

- Ascent of 20 steps on one step alternately with the right leg and the left leg, followed by a slow descent: 2 repetitions.

- Passer-receiver relationship and shots; Ascent of the ball in pairs at maximum speed over 30 m followed by suspension shooting: 2 series of 5 repetitions, 30 s of passive recovery between the repetitions and 3 min of rest between the series.


Handball: Specific exercise 3

30 min.

- Game with reduced numbers: 4 against 4 on the whole field with change of goalkeeper every 2 min: 2 sequences of 6 min, 3 min of active rest between the sequences.