Have you felt as if something is growing inside your body? (lumps)

Nahuatl of Zongolica

Another Nahuatl variation


¿Timo (you, subject pronoun) itic (inside) mo (your, possessive pronoun) nacayo (body) tla (something) hueya (id growing) zonehua (to stick)?


¿Timo (you, subject pronoun) itic (inside) mo (your, possessive pronoun) nacayo (body) tilini (be tighten)?

1) Where is the lump?

2) Point your body

Nahuatl of Zongolica

1) Where do you have the lump?

2) Point your finger

Another Nahuatl variation

1) ¿Campa timo-hueya-liztli?

¿Campa (where) timo (you, subject pronoun) hueya (growing) liztli (act of)

2) Timo-mapilhuiamo-nacayo

Timo (you, subject pronoun) mapilhuia (to point) mo (your, possessive pronoun) nacayo (body)

1) ¿Campa ti-pia-itic-tilini?

¿Campa (where) ti (your, possessive pronoun) pia (have) itic (inside) tilini (be tight)?

2) Timo-mapilhuiamo-nacayo

Timo (you, subject pronoun) mapilhuiato point) mo (possessive pronoun nacayo (body)?