Do you feel any pain?

Nahuatl of Zongolica

Another Nahuatl variation


Timo (you, subject pronoun) cocoliz (pain, of cocoliztli)?

1) Point the part of your body

2) Where is the pain located?

Nahuatl of Zongolica

Another Nahuatl variation

1) Timo-mapilhuia in mo-nacayo-uh

Timo (you, subject pronoun) mapilhuia (point with the finger) in (in)mo (your, possessive adjective) nacayo (body) uh (genitive)

2) ¿Campati-pia-cocoliz?

¿Campa (where) ti (you, object pronoun) pia (have) cocoliz (pain, cocoliztli)?

¿How much does it hurt?

1) A lot

2) A little

Nahuatl of Zongolica

Another Nahuatl variation


¿Quechquich (how much) timo (you, subject pronoun) cocoliz (pain, ofcocoliztli)

1) Miac

Miac (a lot)

2) Ahmomiac

Ahmo (no) mica (a lot)

Is your body swelling?

Nahuatl of Zongolica

Another Nahuatl variation


¿Timo (you, subject pronoun) pozahua (swelled) mo (your, possessive adjective) nacayo (body)?

1) Where is the swelling?

2) Point your body

Nahuatl of Zongolica

Another Nahuatl variation

1) ¿Campatimo-pozahua?

¿Campa (where) timoyou, subject pronoun) pozahua (swelling)?

2) Timo-mapilhuiamo-nacayo

Timo (you, subject pronoun) mapilhuia (point with your finger) mo (your, possessive adjective) nacayo (body)

Since when do you have the swelling?

Nahuatl of Zongolica

Another Nahuatl variation


¿Inic (since)icuac (when) ti (you, subject pronoun) pia (have)

Potzahua (swelling)?