Risk ranking

Type and urgency of control measures

5―Very high/Unacceptable

(93 < RL ≤ 100)

・ The work cannot be started or continued until the risk is reduced.

・ If you cannot reduce the risk, the work should be prohibited.

・ If you can reduce the risk, always check the work starts and during the same if all control measures are implemented and operational.


strong controls to moderate

(77 < RL ≤ 93)

・ The work cannot be started until the risk is reduced.

・ If the risk is related to a work in progress, urgent action should be taken. Measures should be implemented due to the reduction of risk.

・ Always check at the outset that all control measures are implemented and operational.


with controls

(56 < RL ≤ 77)

・ Measures should be implemented to reduce risk within a defined period of time, but the costs of implementation should be evaluated and limited.

・ If the moderate risk is associated with very serious injuries, one must establish more precisely the likelihood of damage and hence the possible need to improve prevention measures.

・ Check at appropriate intervals if all control measures are implemented and operational.


with weak controls

(22 < RL ≤ 56)

・ The risk is reduced to the lowest level practicable.

・ Requires no additional measure unless one can consider solutions in which improved cost-benefit ratio is more favorable.

・ Check at appropriate extended intervals if all control measures are implemented and operational.

1―Very low/Acceptable

(0 < RL ≤ 22)

・ Requires no additional measure other than to ensure that control measures are maintained.