1) Identity and role confusion

Identity confusion

Ÿ Poor description of tasks

Ÿ Mismatch between expectations and tasks

Ÿ Hostile nursing staff behaviour

Emotional outburst

Ÿ Fear

Ÿ Stress

Ÿ Anxiety

2) Challenging and hectic experience

Ÿ Mentorship and supervision

Ÿ No preceptors on the wards

Ÿ No guidance

Ÿ Faculty did not usually pass through to check

Ÿ Sequencing of programme

Ÿ Mismatch between courses learnt in class and those in clinical area

Ÿ Starting it complicated cases then non complicated

Ÿ Demanding and Tedious

Ÿ Tiring

Ÿ No time to rest and reflect

Ÿ You cannot afford to miss a day without studying

Ÿ Inadequate resources and equipment’s and materials

Ÿ Not enough materials to use on daily routines

Ÿ Not enough resources needed to care for nursing care

3) Favourable Educational experience

Ÿ Easy integration of knowledge from theory and practice

Ÿ Able to link theory to practice

Ÿ Able to link basic sciences to practice

Ÿ Supportive medical staff


4) Enhancing personal and professional growth

Promoting deeper learning

Ÿ Bedside learning and presentation of case studies

Ÿ Encouraged critical thinking

Ÿ Practicing patient care using SBAR technique

Giving practice a purpose

Ÿ Integration of Basic Sciences

Ÿ Promoting evidence-based practice