Period and year

Known movements

The most important conducted activities

Classification of urban system of the activities

First period (1700 to 1850 A.D.)

Bulldozer urban development

park building

Élysée boulevards of Paris

religious ways of Rome

American parkways

Physical, environmental, social

Second period

(1850 to 1900 A.D.)

Beautiful city

Boston park system

Physical, environmental,

Third period (1900 to 1950 A.D.)

Open space planning

Green space network in Germany

Greenways of England


Fourth period (1950 to 1980 A.D.)

Environmental movement

Wisconsin ecological network

Design with nature

Greenway projects in Singapore and Malaysia

Physical, environmental,

Fifth period (1980 up to now)


sustainable development

European Greenways Association

London greenm strategy

global activities of greenway

Physical, environmental, social