1) How many of your children are currently enrolled in 3rd and 4th grade?

Boy(s) __________ Age Girl(s) ____________ Age

2) Relationship to the child/children who is participating in the study

Mother Father

Stepmother Stepfather

Grandmother Grandfather

Legal guardian Legal guardian

3) Racial or ethnic background

White African American Hispanic Native American Asian American

Others (please specify)

4) Education

Some high school 2-Year College Degree

High school/GED 4-Year College Degree

Some college Master’s Degree or higher

5) Marital status

Single (never married) Married Separated Divorced Widowed

6) How often are your child/children with you in a grocery store while purchasing fruits and vegetables (fresh/frozen)?

Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never

7) If you have had packages of fruits or vegetables with the picture of a cartoon character like Sponge Bob or Dora the Explorer on it at home, has your child/children eaten more of the fruits and vegetables from these packages?

Yes No We don’t have packages at home with cartoon characters

8) What determines your purchasing decision when it comes to fruits and vegetables? (Please rank them in order, 1 meaning the most important factor and 8 meaning the least important factor)

── Taste

── Nutrition

── Family likes and dislikes

── Children’s likes and dislikes

── Availability

── Convenience

── Cost

── Others (please specify)