Weiler and Crist, 2009 [58]

n = 10 Latino people with type 2 diabetes; 4 men; age range 46 - 65 years

Semi-structured interviews; qualitative descriptive design using grounded theory

All aspects of self-management were linked with aspects of the Latino social context, including perceptions of illness and social stigma of disease.

Wong et al., 2005 [59]

n = 12 people with type 2 diabetes

Semi-structured telephone interview analyzed with grounded theory

Men actively supported by wives in self-management and women were only passively supported by husbands.

Wu et al., 2008 [25]

n = 9 people with type 2 diabetes and recent cardiac event. 3 men and 6 women; age range 59 to 85

Open ended interviews; data analyzed into codes and interpretive framework

Patients’ self-confidence and confidence in health professionals was shattered after the cardiac event.