


① To examine how convenient it is to install and dismantle the new adapter blocks (qualitative)

② To examine the safety of adapter blocks through the driving experiment


About 7.7 km section of paved road from Company Y’s factory to Center F located at H-Si of Gyeonggi-Do

Driving Section

Characteristics of Section

① Includes straight line sections of adequate distance to measure acceleration

② Includes many left/right turns, speed bumps, uphill and downhill slopes, crosswalks and U-turns

Experimental Sequence

① Perform fixing operation using the adapter blocks with sensors installed (factory yard of Company Y)

② Stage 1 Drive (Company Y → Center F)

③ Stage 2 Drive (Center F → Company Y)

④ Stage 3 Drive (Company Y → Center F)

⑤ Stage 4 Drive (Center F → Company Y)

⑥ Dismantle adapter block (factory yard of Company Y)

Driving Method

① Drive regular sections at speeds of 60 - 80 km/h

② Drive at speeds of 10 - 30 km/h along sections with left/right turns and speed bumps, etc.

Gathering of Data

① Gather data from the strain gage at two second intervals throughout


① The person conducting the experiment rides on the truck and notes the location, time and road conditions when taking left/right turns or passing through speed bumps, uphill and downhill slopes, etc. on the map.

② After the experiment, the road conditions and change of stress are measured by matching the times of events indicated on the data logger of the strain gage with the corresponding map locations using the data recorded during the experiment.

Installed Locations