Severity Score






Subconjunctival haemorrhage (55.49%; 1.36),

Interface debris (0.17%; 4.43).

Dry eye syndrome (100%; −6.26),

Limbal Haemorrhage (0.81%; 3.91),

Epithelial erosion (0.25%; 4.30),

Decentered flap (0.25%; 4.30),

Free flap (0.04%; 4.84).

Epilethial ingrowth (0.47%; 4.10), Thin flap (0.47%; 4.10), Undercorrection (0.47%; 4.10), Overcorrection (0.30%; 4.25), Shifting sands of the Sahara (0.08%; 4.64),

Wrinkles (0.08%; 4.64),

Small flap (0.04%; 4.84).

Flap edge melt (2.84%; 3.40),

Incomplete flapv (0.21%; 4.36),

Buttonhole (0.08%; 4.64),

Wrong insertion of patient’s biometric data (0.08%; 4.64), Inadequate suction (0.04%; 4.84),

Sliding flap (0.04%; 4.84).


Haemorrhage (100%; −6.35),

Neusea and vomiting

(28.96%; 2.05), Corneal abrasions (0.63%; 3.99).

Bleeding (1.48%; 3.68),

Prolapsed Tenon’s capsule (0.21%; 4.36).

Partial scleral damage (0.85%; 3.89),

Surgery to the wrong muscle (0.63%; 3.99).

Undercorrection (4.86%; 3.16),

No change in vertical strabismus degree (1.48%; 3.68), Slipped muscle (1.27%; 3.74), Orbital fat penetration (0.63%; 3.99), Wrong site surgery (0.63%; 3.99),

Overcorrection (0.63%; 3.99),

Lost muscle (0.21%; 4.36), Wrong type of intervention tothe muscle (0.21%; 4.36), Apnea (0.21%; 4.36).

Intravitreal Injection



(45.85%; 1.60).

Increase in IOP (18.34%, 2.40),

Anterior uveitis (6.99%; 2.98),


Inflammation (2.18;3.52).

Cataract (0.44%; 4.12)

Endophthalmitis (0.44%; 4.12),

Retinal detachment

(0.44%; 4.12).


Capsular tension ring


(0.57%; 4.03),

Retained cortex material (0.76%; 3.93),

Iridodonesis (1.44%; 3.78).

Damage to the IOL

(1.33%; 3.72), Iris prolapse (0.19%; 4.39),

Pupillary irregularity, Iris atrophy (2.86%; 3.40), Fibrin reaction (0.76%; 3.93).

Radial tears in the anterior capsule (0.57%; 4.03), Iridodialysis (0.095%; 4.60), Zonular disinsertion (0.095%; 4.60),

Intraocular pressureelevation and Glaucoma (1.91%; 3.20),

Irvine-Gass syndrome (1.52%; 3.66).

Posterior capsular tear (2.09%; 3.53),

Endophthalmitis (0.38%; 4.17),

Corneal edema and bullous keratopathy (0.095%; 4.60).


Iris retraction hooks (2.64%; 3.44),

Retained cortex material (0.66%; 3.98),

Pupillar membrane (0.66%; 3.98).

Glaucoma (1.98%; 3.56), Pupillary irregularity (0.66%; 3.98),

Iris sphincter tears (0.66%; 3.98).

Zonular dialysis (2.64%; 3.44),

Iridodialysis (0.66%; 3.98).

Posterior capsule rupture (11.25%; 2.71),

IOL disclocation (0.66%; 3.98).

Pars plana vitrectomy

Posterior synechiae (5.24%; 3.12), Conjunctival haemorrhage (30.24%; 2.02).

Cystoid macular edema (2.82%; 3.41), Glaucoma

(1.94%; 3.57), Hypertony (1.67%; 3.63), Iatrogenic retinal hemorrhage (0.75%; 3.93), Hypotony (0.66%; 3.98), Silicone oil into anterior Chamber (0.53%; 4.06), Migration of gas into anterior chamber (0.48%; 4.09), IOL dislocation (0.31%; 4.24), Complete dislocation of the IOLinto the vitreous cavity (0.18%; 4.42), Posterior capsular tear (0.18%; 4.42), Endophthalmitis (0.18%; 4.42),

Expulsive haemorrhage (0.08%; 4.63).

Intraocular haemorrhage (4.97%; 3.15),

Iatrogenic retinal breaks (4.62%; 3.18),

Epiretinal and subretinal

membrane (1.98%; 3.56),

Cataract (0.92%; 3.86),

Iatrogenic retinal detachment (0.18%; 4.42).

Retinal redetachment (3.04%; 3.38),

Choroidal detachment (0.04%; 4.83),

Escape of gas (0.13%; 4.51).