Building Type I

Building Type II

Building Type III

Building Type IV

Classification of building types in the old town

The traditional dwellings, rich in the regional characteristics of northern Sichuan, have not been renovated and the original structure of brick and wood is well preserved.

The traditional architecture of the dwellings, with sloping roofs and brick and timber composition, shows signs of renovation, the original architectural appearance is largely preserved and is basically in harmony with the class 1 buildings.

Modern architectural forms of new dwellings, traditional structures are not preserved, losing the characteristics of the original ancient town architecture, due to the small volume and small number, the overall spatial image of the ancient town is less affected.

The large volume of the new dwellings, interspersed with the architectural space of the old town, clashes with the original old town architecture in terms of façade material, architectural structure and building volume, creating visual disharmony.

Building Classification I:

Building Classification II:

Building Classification III:

Building Classification IV:

Good quality

Partially damaged

Average quality

Earthquake-damaged houses

Old Town Building quality classification

Constructed in the recent past, the structure is well preserved, with brick and frame construction, newer building elevations and predominantly low-rise dwellings.

The building was built between the late liberation period and the early 1990s, with most of the structure intact, the interior intact, the facade somewhat dated, and some of the windows and doors deteriorating, the original appearance has been largely preserved.

From the late Ming and early Qing dynasties to the 1960s and 1970s, only the original architectural form remains, with some deterioration of the building fabric or the absence of building components. The building façade and roof are damaged in various ways.

The structure is damaged, the house is in a state of collapse, the walls are leaning and the building façade is more seriously damaged.