

1. To Identify the research question(s).

a) The effect of ICT integration in active learning on learning outcomes of Physics in secondary schools.

b) Competencies of Physics teachers in ICT integration in active learning influence learning outcomes of Physics in secondary schools.

c) Available framework for ICT integration in active learning aimed at enhancing classroom participation and learning outcomes in Physics.

Primary Search Key Terms

Secondary Search Key Terms

2. To ascertain the key terms and use them to find pertinent studies (this step had two activities i.e., the primary and secondary search).

a) ICT and instructional design frameworks.

b) Active learning leveraging ICT.

c) ICT leveraging learning interest.

d) Physics teachers’ Competencies in ICT integration.

a) Learner focused frameworks

b) Task focused frameworks.

c) Technology focused frameworks.

d) Instructor focused framework.

e) Teacher ICT competencies.

3. Select the related studies.

a) The primary searches produced twenty-six journal articles, three conference papers, one working paper and one book chapter 2.

b) The secondary search produced eleven journal articles, one book chapter, one conference paper, one report and three books.

4. Extract the major themes and constructs.

a) Learning frameworks Incorporate check points in every stage, flexible, cost effective & has clear objectives.

b) Instructional design model provides ICT components and pedagogical principles to bring out maximum learning outcomes. The integration of technology with pedagogy has improved and boosted the teacher’s array of skills and opened up a various options of learning resources for students to access.

c) Some instructional design models neglect learner’s needs, interest and silent on transformation of learning policies.

5. Integrate, summarize and report the finding.

This review of the study does not suggest that we do away with the contributions of the ubiquitous learning frameworks. Instead it proposes to build a framework that will bridge the gap (weaknesses) in the existing learning frameworks and at the same time embrace the strength of the existing frameworks.