
Wording, Tests and Values


Findings and decisions

1- Membership 2022/2002

Rural: 131,556/42,461 = 310%.


210% increase in 21 years

City: 13,869/26,059 = 53.2%.


Down 46.8% in 21 years

2- Average annual membership

Rural vs Urban: T.calc > ?


Rejection of Ho at 0.05

Between 8 Musaco; A.calc ≤


Rejection of Ho at 0.05

3- Rate of withdrawals Members

Rural vs Urban: T.calc >


Ho acceptance at 0.05

Between 8 Musaco: A.calc >


Ho acceptance at 0.05

4- Penetration rate

Rural vs Urban: KWcal < KWtab


Rejection Ho at 0.05

Between 8 Musaco: KWcal < KWtab


Rejection Ho at 0.05

5- Contribution recovery rate

Rural vs Urban: KWcal > KWtab


Ho acceptance at 0.05

Between 8 Musaco: KWcal > KWtab


Rejection Ho at 0.05

6- Healthcare recovery and member retention rates

Rural & Urban: in sharp decline


94.2% to 39.4% in 4 years

Loyalty: down slightly


70.7% to 68.9% in 4 years