Author (Year)


Study Design

Service Member Population

Research Participants

N participants, p Female

Participant Age Range, Mean (SD)



Attrition (%)

Patton et al. (2017) The US

Comparative cross-sectional

Male murder-suicide perpetrators

Military member

N = 259 (Control N = 259)

0% Female

Range: 17 years +

Mean 57.05 (18.06) for military members and

41.56 (13.72) for civilians

Other murder-suicide perpetrators in the data randomly matched by male gender civilians only.


Merrill et al. (2005) The US

Before-after study

New US Navy recruits

Service member

N = 963 (Control N = n/a)

56.3% Female.

Range: 17 - 35 years

at baseline (This was ~2 years prior to follow up)

Mean 19.81 (2.79)

Same cohort, compared to themselves at baseline (premilitary).

Declined to participate at baseline: 4%. Giving n = 5498 at baseline. Excluded due to incomplete datac: 5435 (82.5%).

Meadows et al. (2015)

The US

Cross-sectional comparison with matched sample

Deployable, married, US military families. Restricted to families where service member is in active service (non-reserve) and the spouse is female.

Military wives

N = 1779 (Control N = see notea)

100% female

Range: 18 - 58

Mean 30.94 (6.90)

Civilian wives from the 2009-2011 ACS Public Use Microdata files, matched for race (white/minority), years of age (18 - 24, 25 - 34, 35 - 44, 45 - 58), presence of children under 6 years (yes/no), highest education level achieved.