
Current Status

Guangzhou, China

In July 2020, the “Guangzhou Blockchain + Business Environment Work Plan for Government Services” was introduced, aiming to promote the implementation of blockchain applications in government services. It is also worth mentioning that Guangzhou is also the first to apply blockchain technology in the fields of industrial and commercial registration and justice. In promoting cold chain food traceability, Guangzhou has also made corresponding efforts to deeply integrate the field of food safety supervision with Internet technology, striving to create an advanced, intelligent, safe and efficient food safety modernization and governance system.

Hamburg, Germany

Hamburg has always regarded the development of blockchain as a key project, and the application of its blockchain technology has been extended to energy, logistics and other fields. Among them, the technology application of “blockchain + energy” is the most outstanding, and many excellent examples have emerged in recent years. For example, at the end of May 2019, the energy trade platform “Energy Chain” was officially launched. This means that participants in the Energy Chain platform can operate and trade energy on their own, free from the shackles of third parties; Enyway, a company set up by energy pioneer Heiko von Tschischwitz, is dedicated to developing a green energy network trading platform based on blockchain technology. The platform enables direct interface between customers and energy suppliers without the need for intermediaries; the Etiblogg project is a new breakthrough in the field of energy trading, aiming to use the blockchain technology of the local green grid to realize direct trading of local electricity, decentralizing the trading process and greatly improving the efficiency of energy trading. The project has received financial support from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy, and 12 other companies and research institutions have helped it to be carried out.

Seoul, Korea

Seoul City has been working to create a blockchain-based public service platform. The “Digital Seoul Wallet” is a typical example of one of these applications. It is understood that the blockchain technology application “Seoul Wallet” allows residents to store even about one hundred types of electronic certificates, including copies of registration and vaccination certificates, which greatly improves the security of personal private information and provides a reliable storage of personal private information. In addition, the city has developed a blockchain-based integrated authentication system for citizen cards and a series of citizen-friendly administrative services by collecting and storing city data in the blockchain. In order to realize the vision of “Democratic Seoul” and build a friendly relationship between the government and the people, the Seoul Metropolitan Government launched the “Blockchain Voting System” on March 1, 2019. After the launch of the platform, the government can receive any requests, opinions, and suggestions from Seoul citizens on the implementation of existing policies. If 1,000 Seoul residents support the proposal of one of the citizens, the proposal will be responded to by the mayor of Seoul. Also, since each citizen’s identity will be tested by blockchain technology, the problem of duplicate voting is effectively avoided. This also solves the problem of fraudulent voting that has plagued Korea’s petition system.

New York, USA

In 2019, the U.S. Customs began to conduct experiments in the application of blockchain technology, and the results obtained from the experiments can be very satisfactory. For example, the pharmaceutical supply chain management blockchain project, led by the U.S. government and involving enterprises, has achieved profitability while ensuring the safety of people’s medicine, fully revealing the huge commercial potential and development prospect of blockchain technology landing application. The system can not only increase the degree of protection of people’s lives, but also improve the convenience of supply chain finance, making the insurance business more efficient and smooth, generating huge economic value. In addition, four years ago, the U.S. government began to promote a blockchain traceability project for manufacturing parts. This project is of great significance to the innovation and development of manufacturing industries such as parts for automobiles, aircraft and precision instruments (Shi, 2020) .

Melbourne, Australia

The scope and application of blockchain technology is in fact very broad. Australia hopes to apply blockchain technology to its agriculture, education, and financial sectors as a way to drive its economic development. The Australian Stock Exchange, for example, is attempting to apply blockchain technology to its settlement and clearing system, automating the matching of buyers and sellers by means of smart contracts, and automating the clearing and settlement process during the transaction through a distributed digital registration system, which greatly saves transaction time (Qin, 2016) .