
Effects on creative education


1) Corruption limits resources for creative education.

2) Political instability and clashes of interests among politicians compromise the continuity of policies dedicated to the promotion of creative education.

3) Access to schools and universities became more difficult with crime and violence.


1) The imbalance of public accounts undermined Brazilian credibility and limited the amount of money to invest in strategic sectors, such as education.

2) The economic recession—coupled with the slowdown in the activities of the oil industry and the fall in tax revenues in the state of Rio de Janeiro—led to a greater pauperization of the population. Many students are not able to complete their educational formation because they must enter the job market earlier, in subaltern positions.


1) The educational infrastructure does not deal effectively with interdisciplinarity and transversality of knowledge nor bring ways to promote them in schools or how to strategically develop transdisciplinarity among cultural, technological and entrepreneur areas since the earliest stages of the educational process.

2) In many private institutions of basic and secondary education in Rio de Janeiro, the focus is still in the preparation of the students for the entrance exam in universities, with a scarce preoccupation with the stimulus to artistic or creative competences, as well as a more critical view on the deep social issues in Brazilian society.

3) In public higher education institutions, a sharp cut in resources occurred in recent years and was accentuated in 2019, including the ones located in Rio de Janeiro. Because of reduced funds, it is more difficult to produce scientific research with significant impact on public management and the productive system.

4) The cuts of resources in agencies that contribute to the development of science and knowledge in Brazil affected private higher education institutions, including some located in Rio de Janeiro.