
Measurement items

Perceived usefulness (PU)

PU1: Using the Internet enables me to accomplish the required tasks more quickly.

PU2: Using the Internet improves my work.

PU3: Using the Internet improves my learning productivity.

PU4: Using the Internet makes it easier to study and learn.

Perceived ease of use (PE)

PE1: It is easy for me to remember how to perform tasks using the Internet.

PE2: I believe that it is easy to get the Internet to do what I want it to do.

PE3: My interaction with the Internet is clear and understandable.

PE4: Getting the information from the Internet is easy.

Facilitating condition (FC)

FC1: I have the resources necessary to use ICTs facilities in Telecentre.

FC2: I have the knowledge necessary to use ICTs facilities in Telecentre.

FC3: Detail instruction about Telecentre use is available to me.

FC4: There is sufficient electricity and Internet service to use ICTs facilities’ in Telecentre.

FC5: A central support is available to help with technical problems.

FC6: A specified person (or group) is available in case of difficulty.

Behavioral intention (BI)

BI1: I intend to use ICTs facilities in Telecentre in the future.

BI2: I predict I would use ICTs facilities in Telecentre in the future.

BI3: I plan to use ICTs facilities Telecentre in the future.

BI4: I perceive using Telecentre as voluntary.

User acceptance (UA)

UA1: Telecenter strongly supports my using the database.

UA2: I would like to use the database because my colleagues think I should use it.

UA3: I would like to use the database because Telecenters thinks I should use it.

UA4: My colleagues strongly support my using the database.