c. Regulatory Reform Towards Evening: Taiwan changes in rules and policies of military requirement or laws often. The actor Ah-Yuan was drafted to military under age of eighteen, earlier than required.

c. Taiwan’s policy is not as strictly as before nowadays.

c. The timing is strange for audience to understand why all of the sudden Ah-Yuan was forced into army (due to possible policy changes).

c. Uncertainty Avoidance (often changes in rules/policy)

(2) Gender Issue: Taiwanese people still have a really strong traditional sense, such as men being more dominate than women

a. Females Should Listen to Males: Ah-Yuan was mad about Ah-Yun’s drinking alcohol with several men in the dinner table―this scene indicates a kind of dominate control, where the male believe the female should follow his orders. Gender still impacts today’s Taiwanese society.

b. Bias against Females: Elders and parents treat their sons and daughters in a different way.


a. Not only Gender issue, but the younger to respect elders were raised in this film, too.

b. Males are considered more important than female because male carries family’s name.


a. Females are considered as housewives in the Chinese traditional family while the males go out to work.

b. Males are more valued in Chinese traditional culture.

a. Masculinity (Listen to Males)

b. High level of Masculinity

(Males are important)

9.Emotional Challenge: One aspect of the film that does not quite match up with modern Taiwanese social culture is the communication:

(1) Throughout the entire movie both of them never confess or talk to each other; (2) If you’re in love with someone, you should have some indication of passion, infatuation or even actions to show your love; (3) This is not the way the director chose to have the characters express their feelings

(1) The young couple were lack of communication.

(2) The director wanted the audience to think what was going to this couple. Instead of dialogues, director gave the audience foreshadowing in the film.

(3) Director wanted to have a different specific express and feelings in the film.

(1) It is a plain storytelling with the beautiful scenes in the film.

(2) Since there is no great plot and story in the film, it’s obviously there is not much of complicated relationship in the film in earlier times of Taiwan.

(3) Director wants to test out new techniques of film.

(1)-(3). Uncertainly Avoidance and

Power Distance

10. What I learn from the film on culture, anyway?

I appreciate the Director taking good photographing by beautiful wide angle shot, etc., and others so that the thing or activities in 1980’s could be seen and understood. And real record of social life and history of Taiwan, let people tell the story directly in the lens, and focus on Life. Thanks.

(1) Strength of the film should be focus the life.

(2) Director Ho produced plain, very simple, all people can see, and he did record of the past and the present, Taiwan. I am grateful to him; and made me have three philosophical attitudes to life: after deep experience, to love nature/life, respect, understanding, and tolerance.

Good Director!

(Conservative before, gradually tends to the indication of passion, infatuation or even actions to show your love.)