Social Norms—an unwritten set of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that are considered acceptable in a given social group or culture. (

Stigma—often involves putting shame on a person or group for perceived deficiencies or differences they have by acts of prejudice or discrimination. (

Stress—is a feeling of tension, either psychological or physical that can be triggered by an event or thought. This feeling is the human body’s natural reaction to a challenge or demand. (

World Health Organization (WHO)—is an organization dedicated to the well-being of all people that oversees international health responses within the United Nations system and coordinates global health responses with partners. (

Workforce—an organization’s group of employees. This term can be used to describe individuals who work for a particular company or industry, it can also refer to a specific geographical location of a city, state, or country. (

Workplace—a place or location of employment where employees do their jobs and work on tasks for their employer. (