General altruistic words

Charitable (乐善好施), helping those in distress (济危救困), generous (慷慨大方), helpful (乐于助人), support the weak (帮扶弱者), altruism (利他主义)

Reciprocal altruistic words

reciprocate when helped (知恩图报), value feelings and loyalty (重情重义), be adept in finding allies (善结人缘), value friendship (注重友谊), friendly (待人友好), immersing (相濡以沫)

Kin altruistic words

family commitment (看重家庭), devoted to offspring (关爱子女), filial piety (孝顺父母), affectionate to sibling (手足情深), respect for family elders (尊敬长辈), loving parents foster dutiful son (父慈子孝)

Commendatory terms (the first five are honest words)

unsophisticated (纯朴), sincere (真挚), real (真实), honest (诚实), concrete (实在), favorite (喜爱), wonderful (美妙), glorious (光荣), pleasant (愉快), smiling (微笑)

Derogatory terms (the first five are hypocritical words)

mendacious (虚假), ostentation (卖弄), insincerity (矫饰), affectation (做作), hypocrisy (伪善), distressed (苦恼), terrible (糟糕), sordid (肮脏), wicked (邪恶), harm (伤害)

Neutral words

connecting (承上启下), empty talk (纸上谈兵), turnaround (峰回路转), concentrate (聚精会神)


I (我), me (我), my (我的), we (我们), us (我们), our (我们的)


He (他), his (他的), she (她), her (她的), they (他们), their (他们的)