
Spearman correlation

N = 187

Acts too young for age

r = −0.195

ρ = 0.008

Constantly seeks help

r = −0.152

ρ = 0.038

Does not eat well

r = −0.154

ρ = 0.036

Does not seem to feel guilty after misbehaving

r = −0.163

ρ = 0.026

Easily frustrated

r = −0.171

ρ = 0.019

Nervous movements or twitching

r = −0.167

ρ = 0.022

Nervous, highstrung, or tense

r = −0.174

ρ = 0.017

Poorly coordinated or clumsy

r = −0.169

ρ = 0.021

Repeatedly rocks head or body

r = −0.177

ρ = 0.016

Stares into space and seems preoccupied

r = −0.169

ρ = 0.021

Sulks a lot

r = −0.183

ρ = 0.012

Wanders away

r = −0.183

ρ = 0.012