I indirectly talk in class about the question whether there were problems.

If this does not work, I would explain that it’s come to my attention (without naming their names) and would discuss the issue. (0 P).

Direct call (Clarity and borders, clarify expectations, I write down expectations; students have to sign it.) [Talking to the students and written agreement]

Next day: Talking to the students concerned

[Talking to the affected students]

10. A student is consistently excluded by classmates. How do you react?

I behave passively and try to observe why the classmate is excluded and if the classmate is affected by this.

If the fellow is unhappy with it, I would try to indirectly convey. I would not directly convey because students have to try establish friendships themselves and cope independently with problems. Should I be asked for help, I can provide assistance. (0 P)

Conversation with the affected student and integration of the affected student in extracurricular activities [Conversation with student affected, extracurricular involvement, assistance, support] Intervention for the affected students

[Intervention within the class context]