



Motivations of Browsing

Seeking Information

I browse video-sharing websites because of work demands.


I browse video-sharing websites to learn new things.

I go to video-sharing websites for downloading various types of videos.

I like to seek similar opinions on video-sharing websites.


For me, browsing video-sharing websites is relaxing.

I have fun when browsing video-sharing websites.

Browsing video-sharing websites allows me to escape from real life.

Motivations of Commenting

Internet Interaction

I would e-mail authors to express my opinion.


After watching videos, I would give comments on video-sharing websites.

I would give comments even if my opinion is different from authors.

I will add authors as friends.

When I comment on video-sharing websites, I would do it anonymously.

When I comment, I care about other users’ opinions.


I would recommend my favorite videos or producers to others through social websites.

I would share good videos through the links of videos.

I would recommend video or producers to others on messengers.

Motivations of Producing

Recording & Sharing

I produce videos on video-sharing websites to record life.


I love to produce video works on sites to share with like-minded friends.

I shoot online video because I want to keep records of life.

I produce online video out of personal interest.

I like to share life by shooting and uploading videos onto video-sharing websites.


It is important to make myself known to others by shooting online video.

It is important to draw people’s attention to my work via shooting online video.

I love to expand interpersonal relationships via producing online video.

I would like to express myself via producing online video.

Innovation Inclination

Popularity & Fun

The experience of using video-sharing websites is pleasant.


It is interesting to use video-sharing websites.

My family and friends have experience using video-sharing sites.

Most of the people I keep in frequent contact with have experience using video-sharing websites.

I find no conflict between video-sharing websites and my previous computer-using experience.

My family and friends will continue to use video-sharing websites in the future.

Overall, it is easy to use the video-sharing website.

Adventure & Excitement

I like to learn new technology.

I like to follow the latest news of 3C technology products.

I like to learn new things.

I am willing to take a risk.

Convenience & Advantage

Learning to use video-sharing websites is difficult for me.

I think online video content is reliable.

In general, I think video content with better comments are more reliable.

The viewing rates and comments on video-sharing websites will affect my trust in video content.