Frequency (%) n = 149

Reasons for self-medication

61 (42.4%)

Health problem is not serious

45 (31.3%)

knowledge on drugs and disease helps

16 (11.1%)

I don’t have insurance

13 (9%)

Avoidance of waiting long time at clinics

9 (6.3%)

Physicians advice of self-management

3 (2.1%)

Suggestion of a relative/friend

8 (5.6%)

Self-need to play an active role

7 (4.9%

Learning opportunity

6 (4.2%)

I do not trust my physician

3 (2.1%)

Physician prescription was not effective

1 (0.7%)

Embarrassed of discussing own symptoms

0 (0%)

High cost of medical consultation

0 (0%)

Seeking quick relief