Disease stage

Extension of laser ablation in the Eustachian tube


Ablation of the mucosa overlying the leading edge of the lateral cartilaginous lamina and the posterior cushion. Oval shaped ablation defect is centered over this cartilage. Perichondrium is not ablated.


Mucosa and submucosal tissue (perichondrium) overlying the leading edge of the lateral cartilaginous lamina and the posterior cushion oval shaped ablation defect is centered over this cartilage only. No ablation is carried out distally to the Eustachian tube valve.


Mucosa, submucosal, perichondrium and cartilage are thinned. Effort is made to weaken the spring of the cartilage. Oval shaped ablation defect is centered over this cartilage only. Medium thickness cross-hatching of the PC tissue ablation is extended distally to within 4 - 5 mm of the Eustachian tube valve.


Mucosa, submucosal, perichondrium and cartilage are thinned. Effort is made to weaken the spring of the cartilage. Oval shaped ablation defect is centered over this cartilage and extended distally to within 4 - 5 mm to adjacent structures. Full thickness cross-hatching of the posterior cushion.