Superordinate objective (category)

Time series analysis


Structural time series analysis, maximum likelihood method

Description + literature

The Gaussian (normal), Gumbel and Weibull probability density functions are described by means of 2 time-dependent parameters (mean and standard deviation)

Trömel, S. (2004):

Statistische Modellierung von Klimazeitreihen, Dissertation, J.W. Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, 2004.

Useful for (parameter, time resolution)

Monthly mean temperature,

monthly mean precipitation total

Requirements for application

Long, gap-free time series of at least 100 years length


Trends in mean and standard deviation


Application of method requires the describability of the time series values by means of a probability density function (Kolmogorov?Smirnov test)


Bülow, K. (2010): Zeitreihenanalyse von regionalen Temperatur- und Niederschlagssimulationen in Deutschland, Dissertation, Uni-Hamburg, Berichte zur Erdsystem Forschung 75, 2010.

Trömel, S. and C.-D. Schönwiese (2007): Probability change of extreme precipitation observed from 1901 to 2000 in Germany, Theor. Appl. Climatol., 87, 29-39.


Katharina Bülow, Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie