Morphometric parameters



I. Drainage network

1) Stream order (u)

Hierarchical rank


2) No. of streams (Nu)

N = N1 + N2 + ∙∙∙ + Nn


3) Stream length (Lu) km

Lu = L1 + L2 + ∙∙∙ + Ln (km)


4) Mean stream length (Lsm) km

Lsm = Lu/Nu (km)


5) Stream length ratio (RL)

RL = Lu/Lu−1, where Lu = the total stream length of order “u”, Lu−1 = the total stream length of its next lower order


6) Bifurcation ratio (Rb)

Rb = Nu/Nu+1, where Nu = total no. of stream segments of order “u”, Nu+1 = no. of segments of the next higher order


7) Mean bifurcation ratio (Rbm)

Rbm = average of bifurcation ratio of Strahler all orders


II. Basin geometry

8) Basin length (Lb) km

Length of the basin (km)


9) Basin area (A) km2

Plan area of the watershed (km2)


10) Basin perimeter (P) km

Perimeter of the watershed (km)


11) Form factor (ratio) (Rf)


12) Elongation ratio (Re)


13) Shape factor (Bs)


14) Lemniscate ratio (k)

K = L2/4A

[48] [49]

15) Circularity ratio (Rc)

Rc = 4*π*A/P2

[3] [50]

16) Drainage texture (Dt)

Dt = Nu/P, where Nu = Total no. Streams of all orders, P = perimeter (km)


III. Drainage texture analysis

17) Stream frequency (Fs)

Fs = Nu/A


18) Drainage density (Dd) km/km2

Dd = Lu/A


19) Drainage intensity (Di)

Di = Fs/Dd


20) Length of overland flow (Lo) km

Lo = 1/2 Dd


IV. Relief characteristics

21) Basin relief (Bh) or total relief (H) m

Bh = h − h1, where, h = maximum height (m), h1 = minimum height (m)


22) Relief ratio (Rr)

Rr = H/Lb, Where H = total relief, Lb = basin length


23) Ruggedness number (Rn)

Rn = Dd*(Bh/1000)


24) Dissection index (Dis)

Dis = Bh/Ra, where Ra = absolute relief


25) Hypsometric curve (HC)

HC is achieved by plotting the proportion of the total height (h/H) against the proportion of the total area (a/A) of the basin, where H is the total relief height, a is the total area of the basin above a given line of elevation h.

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26) Hypsometric integral (Hi)

, where = the weighted mean elevation

H = maximum elevation

h = minimum elevation

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