Physical symptoms


All groups recognize pain as a symptom. Two of the groups specifically mention headaches


The seven groups identify alterations in the respiratory function as a symptom; three of them refer to the symptom as dyspnea, two as a suffocation feeling and one as respiratory distress

Nausea, dizziness and vomiting

All groups recognize nausea, six of them refer to dizziness as a symptom and one group states vomiting

Paresthesia and tingling

Three of the groups identify alterations in the peripheral vascular system or peripheral nervous, amongst them the tingling, paresthesia and numbness


Regarding the loss of energy, each of the following symptoms was identified by a different group of students: adenomas, despair, weakness, fatigue; two groups of students recognize fatigue as a symptom

Diarrhea, anorexia, constipation, xerostomia, itching and vertigo

The stated conditions form prevalent symptoms in palliative care, however, they are identified by one or two of the participating groups


The groups of students recognize, as symptoms of palliative care, some in general nature, for example: blurred vision (3 groups), tinnitus and paresis (2 groups), tremors, tightness and burning in the pit of the stomach (1 group)

Psychological symptoms

Disturbances in affection

Symptoms related with affection disorders due to increased tone, specifically phobia, fear and anxiety, each one was recognized by a different group of students

Depression and disorientation

Each one of these conditions is recognized by a group


One group recognizes stress and another the emotional liability as symptoms in palliative care