
Predictors of mortality/ kidney graft failure

Ferguson [7] /1999

Predictors of long-term mortality: Diabetes mellitus, higher number of pre-CABG myocardial infraction, renal transplantation before cyclosporine use, older age, unstable angina prior to CABG.

Ono [8] /2002

Predictors of long-term mortality: female gender, low BMI, non-elective surgery.

Predictors of long-term kidney graft loss: preoperative serum creatinine level.

Herzog [10] /2004

Predictors of long-term mortality: age > 75 years old, CHF, diabetic end stage renal disease.

Massad [11] /2005

Predictors of 1 year mortality: ejection fraction < 30%, history of CVA/stroke, previous CABG, chronic atrial fibrillation, No beta blockers, dialysis dependence.

Zhang [13] /2006

Predictors of 30-Day mortality and adverse outcomes: preoperative renal insufficeinecy, mitral valve disease and left ventricular dysfunction.

John [15] /2007

Predictors of 30-Day mortality were: preoperative CHF, non-elective surgery, prolonged CPB, peripheral vascular disease, and lower creatinine clearance.

Sharma A [18] /2010

Predictors of 30-Day mortality: age, Diabetes mellitus and combined valve surgery.

Shayan [19] /2011

Predictor of 30-Day mortality: age only.

Sharma R [20] /2012

Predictors of long-term mortality were: increasing age and solid organ transplant.

Rocha [22] /2014

Predictors of 30-Day mortality: age > 65 years old, Ejection fraction < 35%, and combined cardiac surgery.

Predictors of permanent dialysis post cardiac surgery were: diabetes, hyperlipidemia, pre-op IABP, preoperative creatinine > 2 mg/dl, transient renal failure requiring dialysis.

Vargo [23] /2015

Predictors of in-hospital mortality: age and acute renal failure.

Farag [26] /2017

Predictors of 30-Day mortality: solid organ transplantation, intra-operative transfusion, and post-operative increase in bilirubin concentration., new onset dialysis, septicemia.

Bianco [31] /2020

Predictors of 5-year mortality: COPD and CHF.

Fabio [32] /2021

Predictors of 30-Day mortality: COPD, urgent operation, mechanical mitral valve replacement, post-operative infection, and CPB time.

Hundemer [3] /2021

Predictors of Acute kidney injury: deceased donor and high pre-operative trough level of Calcineurin inhibitors.