Protective practices

Work practices

Domestic practices

ú Wearing protective equipment during spraying at a time when pesticides were the dominant method to fight pests.

ú Spraying backwards while moving forward in the field to avoid pesticide inhalation.

ú Developing and applying a homegrown organic mix of naturally insect-repellent aromatic herbs and garlic, onion, rinso, and lime, on the crops, which prove equally effective as pesticides without risk of intoxication.

ú Cutting off and throwing out the worm-eaten part of the crop and only retaining the intact part.

ú Storing pesticides in a shed at a distance from the main house structure.

ú Attending scheduled training events on safe use of pesticides delivered by Ministry of Agriculture associated agronomists.

ú Maintaining proper rest and avoiding physical strain during work hours.

ú Limiting work hours to early morning (until 10.00 am) to avoid exposure to extreme heat later on in the day.

ú Keeping a healthy diet (refusal of fast food) and eating three meals a day at regular hours, most the time at home, after washing up. If they had to eat at work, they brought lunch from home and washed their hands.

ú Minimal, if any, alcohol consumption

ú Ensured regular rehydration during work hours.

ú Attended medical checkups on regular basis and followed medical/nutritional advice.