Cognitive function

Toca (No. of points)

Moca (No. of points)

Alternating Trial Making

1. erace characters (2 points)

1. trail making test (1 points)

Visuospatial functions

2. copy of triangle (1 points)

2. copy of cube (1 points)

3. draw clock (3 points)

3. draw clock (3 points)


4. composition (1 points)

no present


5. read of digits (2 points)

6-1. read of digits (2 points)

6. serial 7 (3 points)

6-3. serial 7 (3 points)

7. go/no-go (3 points)

6-2. tap of letters (1 points)

Word recall

8. word recall (3 points)

8. word recall (1 points)


9. orientation day (4 points)

11. orientation day (6 points)

10.orientation place (1 points)

Story reproduction

11.story reproduction (7 points)

no present

Add 1 points if ≤ 9

Add 1 points if ≤ 12