Criteria i


Screening Approach

· The fund indicates the explicit criteria for screening decisions.

· The fund applies social screening first, then financial screening.

· If the fund applies negative screening it totally excludes investments in certain activities, not allowing restricted investment, which means, avoiding only poorer performers in those activities.

· The fund takes into account not only direct but also indirect infringement of screens.

Advocacy & Public Policy

· The fund has a proxy voting policy and discloses voting practices and reasoning for decisions.

· The fund sponsor/co-sponsors shareholder resolutions.

Research process

· The fund presents a description of its SRI research methodology and process.

· The fund has its own internal research team composed by experts in SRI analyzing company activities in order to indentify suitable investments.

· The fund uses external research expert providers such as rating agencies to get that information.

External Control

· The fund is engaged in an ethical external audit periodically.

Manager’s SRI competence

· The fund provides information about the SRI education of the fund manager.