

Screening Approach

Type of screen: Positive and/or negative.

Advocacy & Public Policy

Description of the aims of the engagement policy. How does the fund prioritize which companies it will engage with? Engagement employed methods. How is the effectiveness of engagement activity monitored? What further steps, if any, are taken if engagement is considered unsuccessful? How, and how frequently, are engagement activities communicated to investors and other stakeholders? Does the fund have a voting policy? If so, what is it? Does the fund disclose its voting practices and reasoning for decisions? If so, where can this information be found? Does the fund sponsor/co-sponsor shareholder resolutions?

Research process

Does the fund manager use an in-house research team and/or an external research team? Is there an external control or external verification process in place for the research process? Where an Advisory Committee is used, description of responsibilities. How frequently is the research process reviewed? What research findings are disclosed to the public? How?

Some funds have their own internal research team analyzing company activities in order to indentify suitable investments. Other use external research providers such as rating agencies to get that information. In the case of an independent ethical committee it is necessary to know if it has the ultimate say on policy changes and company investments or if it delegates the responsibility to the fund manager.

External Control

Engage in an ethical audit of fund periodically. Signature of transparency guidelines.

Competence of the fund manager

Provision of information about the SRI education of the fund manager.