
A failure of being made to act like a messenger by a client with borderline personality disorder


Tell in advance what can or cannot be done for the mother to prevent being asked to do what PHNs cannot do

Story interviewed

[…] The mother suffered from borderline personality disorder. So, I told her in advance what I can or cannot do. In the mental health department, a client asked me to do all the paperwork submitted to the office while I was home visiting, so I acted like a messenger. It was a failure. So I tried to not be relied on as much (No. 53)

Attitude mapping when supporting


A mother whose husband killed himself the day after the birth


Attitude towards managing consultations about suicide or suicidal ideation


Being attitude of mind for managing consultation with the mother whose husband killed himself

Story interviewed

I heard in my maternity hospital about a mother whose husband killed himself the day after the birth and required support to prevent her from committing joint suicide with the baby. In the maternal health department, other PHNs did not know how to support her and felt timid to try because of the difficulty in performing consultation. This was the first time such a mother came to the maternal health department. In the mental health department, I prepared for consultations about suicide or suicidal ideation because it was the final department where difficult consultations were delivered from other departments (No. 23)