Time Period

Major Causative Event


Before 1972 (the reign of Emperor Hailesellassie)

Immigration of the Ittu to Kereyou’s land

Population Increment around Kereyou settlements

Complaint of the community to the Emperor

Compensation of 600 “Gasha” (250 km2) of land

“No man’s land” land tenure system (land belongs to the land lord)

Land alienation and expropriation of land for non-pastoral activities

Between 1972 & 1986 (the “Derg” regime)

Boundary demarcation of ANP by the Derg

Enmity between the local communities and park workers

High poaching by Derge soldiers and Argoba people

Reduction of large mammal population

Drought (1975/76)

Permission of grazing land, settlement and borehole construction inside the ANP

Increased immigration of Ittu

Migration of the Kereyou toward the park

Civil war and conflict

Less attention from the government and the loss of human lives and looting of livestock

The 1975 land reform in principle granted pastoralists right to grazing land

Didn’t improve the land right position of pastoralists

Between 1986 & 2006 (the present government (EPDRF))

Expansion of government and private farms

Land alienation and pastoralists moved into the ANP

Excessive overstocking

Low forage yield and further expansion into the ANP

High conflict

Insecurity became high and communities moved further into the ANP

Infrastructure development (road and railway)

Killing of animals increased

Expansion of sedentrization and agro-pastoralist way of life

High demand for firewood, charcoal and house construction

Establishment of several institutional arrangements

In principle official recognition of the pastoral production system