Trustworthiness antecedent

Empirical findings


Alignment: Adherence and acceptability of a set of principles, compatibility of beliefs and values (value congruence), and shared values and/or objectives, belong to a group and informal agreements [14] (27 articles)

To adopt informal agreements

· To adherence to informal codes of conduct

Welter and Kautonen, 2005

· To abidance by initially verbal agreement

Weber and Weber, 2011

· To develop transaction with the customer based on usual procedures without formal agreements

Presutti et al., 2011

· To keep informal agreements strict

Jansson, 2011

· To carry out an informal social contract

Bergh et al., 2011

To adherence to formal codes of conduct

Welter and Kautonen, 2005

To meet established incubator’s tenant acceptance criteria (by the incubators’ established tenant acceptance criteria)

Totterman and Sten, 2005

Common goals and shared value (actions confirm shared values and/or objectives)

· To possess common culture

To be involved in religious activities

Jenssen and Kristiansen, 2004

To share cultural attributes (e.g. attitude towards education)

Altinay, 2008

Being part of an ethnic minority group and sharing a common ethnicity

To keep close cultural ties

To possess similar language

Altinay et al., 2014

To share common religion

Altinay, 2008; Nwankwo and Gbadamosi, 2013 [82] ; Altinay et al., 2014; Phillips et al., 2013 [83]

To share cultural qualities

Mobility: It refers to attitudes and habits in geographical travelling where the sense of mobility is part of a group’s collective subjectivity

Jenssen and Kristiansen, 2004

Group cohesion: It means ethnic groups and religious sects have strong bonding qualities, moral conformity and ritual practices…

Jenssen and Kristiansen, 2004

· To have demographic tiles