
Applicable Subject

Scope of application

Competition issues intended to be addressed



Dominant companies

Universal application to all sectors of the economy

Unilateral conduct that excludes competitors; unilateral conduct that drives up competitors’ costs

Behavio ral and/or structural remedies


Dominant companies

Limited to certain industries, especially digital or digital-enabled markets

Exclusion of unilateral acts of competitors; unilateral acts that drive up competitors’ costs

Behavio ral and/or structural remedies


All companies

Universal application to all sectors of the economy

Structural risks of competition and structural deficiencies of competition that prevent the proper functioning of the internal market

Behavio ral and/or structural remedies and legislative actions


All companies

Limited to certain industries, especially digital or digital-enabled markets

Structural risks of competition and structural deficiencies of competition that prevent the proper functioning of the internal market

Behavioral and/or structural remedies and legislative action