Warm-up exercises

FIFA 11+ integrated warm-up

FIFA 11+ Kids integrated warm-up

neuromuscular training warm-up

Regular warm-up training

Summarizing description

FIFA 11+ is a structured, sport-based warm-up program for soccer players aged 14 and above. This warm-up program consists of three parts. The first part is jogging exercises, combined with active stretching and ball control exercises. The second part has six different sets of exercises, including strength, balance, and jumping exercises, each with three levels of increasing difficulty. The last part is a special exercise for sprint running combined with soccer sports techniques.

The FIFA11+ Kid comprehensive warm-up is an injury prevention exercise specifically developed by the F-MARC international panel of experts for children ages 7 - 13. This warm-up exercise is designed to improve coordination and balance, increase core and unilateral leg stability, and optimize drop technique. The warm-up consists of a total of 7 exercises that take approximately 15 - 20 minutes; the coach ensures that all athletes can perform each exercise correctly, divided into 5 levels, and all exercises should start at the first level of each movement and not move on to the next level until they are completed [11] [12] [13] .

Each exercise of NMT warm-up lasts 15 - 25 min, and the main exercises include warm-up, muscle activation, balance training, strength training, and core stability training, which is a training method that emphasizes the use of proprioception to promote the coordination of muscle and joint power.

This includes aerobic exercises, dynamic stretching exercises, and soccer-specific exercises.