Use case Name

Delete/Deactivate Urban/Cadastral Manager account

Primary actor

System administrator

Secondary actor

Application System

Brief description

This use case allows the system administrator to delete/Deactivate Account record from the application system.


1. The user is logged into the application system.

2. The application system displays a welcome page with all services

Normal flows

1. The administrator clicks on “Account Services” button

2. The system returns the “Account Services” sub-menu which contains the following items:

a. Urban Services

b. Cadastral Services

c. Notary Services

3. In case, the user selects “Urban Services”, then the system returns a table containing users’ information plus the (create, refresh, search) buttons at the top left corner of the table and three buttons (Edit, Delete, PDF) on the right end of the table.

4. The administrator clicks on “Delete” button

5. The system returns a window with “Yes” and “No” to confirm the deletion.

6. In case the administrator selects “Yes”, the system extracts the user data with the id and delete the record associated from the database.

7. The operation is canceled if the administrator selects “No”

8. The system returns to the previous state.

Alternate flows

1. The administrator can either try again or cancel the operation by clicking on “No” button.

2. If the administrator clicks on “No” button, the system returns back to the previous state.


If the use case was successful, the selected record is deleted from the system. Otherwise, the state of the system is unchanged by the use case.


The administrator aborts the delete operation by clicking on “No” button at step 7 of the Normal Flow