Scale Name

Abbreviation (Number of Questions)

Content and Meaning

Multiple physical complaints

SUSY (20)

Stiffness of neck and shoulders, body pain, feeling feverish, headache, etc.

Respiratory complaints

RESP (10)

Difficulty coughing up phlegm, runny nose, coughing, sneezing, throat pain, etc.

Complaints about eye and skin

EYSK (10)

Sensitive or itchy skin, rashes or hives, hyperemia of the eye, etc.

Complaints about mouth and anus

MOUT (10)

Gum bleeding, halitosis, painful defecation, hemorrhoids, constipation, etc.

Complaints about digestive organs

DIGE (9)

Pain or heaviness of the stomach, diarrhea, poor condition, indigestion, etc.

Impulsiveness and irritability

IMPU (9)

Acting without thinking, impatience, excessive complaining, frustration, etc.

Lie scale

LISC (10)

Tendencies to make oneself look good, show off by disguising oneself, vanity, etc.

Mental instability

MENT (14)

Worry about small things, face flushes, mentally tired, cold sweats, restlessness, etc.


DEPR (10)

Sad, lonely, uninterested, melancholic and languid, not confident, etc.


AGGR (7)

Psychologically extroverted, proactive, generous, not sensitive to cold, etc.


NERV (8)

Nervous, anxious and excessive worrying, sensitive, fastidious, etc.

Irregularity of daily life

LIFE (11)

Staying up late and getting up late, irregular meals without breakfast, poor appetite, etc.