
T1 : Expert

T2: Novice

―She introduces new tasks allowing students to depass their difficulties which evolve the knowledge compared to time.

―She takes time to observe their actions and intervene to sustain their activity (Marsenach & Mérand, 1987) .

―She replaces the pull boy by the board helping non swimmers to better float and propel in water.

―He introduces tasks of initiations which are not related to the objective which itself slowed knowledge progress compared to time.

―He finds difficulty in identifying the challenge of learning respiration task and of the coordination task arm/breathing.

―He finishes with accepting student motor answers even are not valid in order to advance didactic time.

―The expert teacher will have a lot of easiness to modify variables of a task during a session (complexify-simplify) in function of the success or the failure of her students compared to a novice teacher (Tochon, 1993) .

―A teacher with an academic formation more advanced or more oriented to pedagogy, will have more easiness to see the problem setting up a task that does not function better than a novice teacher (Tochon, 1993) .