1. Pasta and bread are protein-rich foods.

2. A child with celiac disease can eat gofio wheat.

3. I know how to react when a diabetic child suffers from hypoglycaemia.

4. A diabetic child can carry his/her insulin in his/her pencil box.

5. Fats called “trans or bad” are overall contained in poultry meat.

6. Children suffering from milk protein allergies can drink milk and goat yoghourt.

7. The only symptom in anorexia is the extreme thinness.

8. The only risk factor which causes obesity in childhood is the high intake of food.

9. Drug consumption in schools is common.

10. I know how to identify signs when a student consumes cannabis.

11. In my courses I tell the students about the negative effects of tobacco and drug consumption.

12. My students know the side effects of drugs.

13. I know what to do if I see one of my students consuming cannabis.

14. I think that the use of social networks for many hours a day can be considered as an addiction.

15. I understand that when a child is seropositive he/she has AIDS.

16. All barrier contraceptive methods (spermicides, condoms, sponges, diaphragms, cervical caps, etc.) prevent us from sexually transmitted diseases. (STD)

17. Some of the most common parasomnias are nocturnal enuresis and sonambulism.

18. I think I should be properly informed about those pathologies which can be suffered by the students

19. When a child has an epileptic seizure, he/she can normally feel sleepy and disoriented.

20. An asthmatic child can practice exercise and sports.

21. In cases of eye injuries, you should rub the affected area and eliminate the causative agent.

22. Heimlich maneuver can only be performed when there is a digestion cut.

23. Cardiac massage can only be performed in a cardiorespiratory arrest when the 112 emergency service arrives.

24. I think that a child has suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest if he/she is unconscious, breathes and has pulse.

25. During an epileptic seizure, anal medication can never be administered.

26. I am very interested in teaching my students how to respond to emergencies which threaten the life of one of their classmates.

27. I think I am properly trained and prepared to deal with an emergency.

28. I think that educational centers should deal with health education in a cross-sectional manner.

29. Taking into account your teaching experience, do you think that health education is not adequately taught in schools?

30. I would like to receive more information about school health.

31. I think all the information about health is useful.

32. I am very satisfied when I solve an emergency at school.

33. I am very interested in emergency issues in the school context.

34. I have received appropriate training about emergencies in the school context.

35. I think that teachers are not interested in health issues in the school context.

36. I enjoy learning things to improve my students’ health.

37. Students usually ask questions about health.

38. I have promoted health education in my students.

39. Knowledge about health education is useful for daily life.

40. When I have a doubt I try to solve it looking for information.

41. I think that each educational center should have a health professional.