





Inferred environments


Multiple intra-formational conglomerate beds with thicknesses between 60 and 80 cm and inter-bedded with conglomeratic sandstones and shale. Comprises of well to sub-rounded predominantly quartz pebbles, well to poorly sorted and clasts to matrix supported.

Parallel aligned prismatic pebbles, slightly imbricated and scoured bottoms.

Practically no palynomorphs (PNP)

Fluvial channel or point bars.


Conglomeratic sandstone beds which frequently overlies the conglomerate beds. These beds are poorly sorted, matrix supported with both the pebbles and sand sized particles well to sub-rounded, predominantly quartz and feldspars.

No imbrications but parallel aligned prismatic pebbles, planar and trough cross-stratification. Fining upward grain sizes.

No palynomorphs

Fluvial channel or point bars


Massive sandstone beds of variable thicknesses but up to 5 m. Fine-coarse grained, poorly sorted, sub-rounded quartz, feldspars and tiny but visible mica flakes.


No Palynomorphs

Lake shore characterized by very weak waves.


Heterolithic sequence of interbedded highly indurated shale, limestone, fine-grained sandstone. The beds vary in thickness between 1.5 and 60 cm and present a rhythmic or cyclic sedimentation.

Thinly bedded to moderately massive beds dipping between 10˚ - 15˚NW.

Mixed palynomorph assemblages,-Land derived pollen grains, pteridophytic spores, archritarch, algal remains and dinoflagellate cysts.

Lacustrine environment with a proximal sea water.


Massive to fissile, black organic rich, ligniticshales, sometime occurring and intercalated with calcareous sediments (Marlstone).

Sometimes highly fissile,

Unidentified moulds.

Mixed palynomorph assemblages,-Land derived pollen grains, pteridophytic spores, archritarch, algal remains and very visible plant debris.

Oxygen starved deep bottom lake environment.