Structure of Hermaphrodite Flower

Structure of Female flower

Commonly found in other sporadic fragmented populations in Kashmir hills [9] [10]

Found in the Regional Research station field gene bank [11] (Figure 1)

Commonly found other sporadic fragmented populations in Kashmir hills [9] [10]

Found in the Regional Research station field gene bank [11] (Figure 2)

Size is larger than female flower

Size is larger than female flower

Size is smaller than hermaphrodite flower

Size is smaller than hermaphrodite flower

Calyx is persistant, leafy pappus and reduced to small tooth-like structures.

Same calyx morphology was observed in this hermaphrodite population

Calyx is persistent, leafy pappus and reduced to small tooth-like structures.

Same calyx morphology was observed in this female plant population

pappus like Petal actinomorphic, arrangement, epipetalous. Five in numbers.

Petals actinomorphic, epipetalous and five and four in numbers (Figure 1).

Petals actinomorphic and four in numbers.

Petals actinomorphic and five and four in numbers. (Figure 2)

Androceium and gynoceium present

Unifid stigma is present, stamens are epipetalous, three in number present opposite to petals. Petals are larger than female flower.

Androceium and gynoceium present. Unifid stigma is present; stamens are epipetalous, three in number in between the gaps of petals inside the flower, not exactly opposite to the petals (Figure 1). Petals are larger than female flower.

Androceium-Absent Gynocium-Present. Trifid stigma is seen having three prongs extended from middle of the style in female flowers, Petals are smaller than hermaphrodite flower.

Androceium-Absent Gynoceium-Present

Trifid stigma is seen having three prongs extended from the upper portion of the style (Figure 2).

Petals are smaller than hermaphrodite flower.

Generally visiting pollinators are hemipterean and dipterean insects

Hymenopteran and Hemipterean visiting pollinators like rock bees, bumble bees, flies were visitors

Same is found in female flowers like hermaphordite flowers

Same is found in female flowers where hemipteran pollinators were found to visit

Anthesis varies from place to place and asynchronous flowering was seen

Anthesis was found between 6 - 8 AM. asynchronous flowering was seen

Anthesis varies from place to place. asynchronous flowering was seen

Anthesis was found between 6 - 8 PM. and anthesis was found 3 - 4 days earlier than hermaphrodite flowers.

The ranges were reported within the same range found in Kalimpong

Size of the flowers was found to be 7 - 9 mm in length.

Size of the flowers were found to be 3 - 4 mm. in length.

The ranges were reported within the same range found in Kalimpong

The same structural features were reported.

The flowers were found to be heterostylous in nature. Length of the style and length of filaments were found to be different. Length of the filaments bearing anthers was found to have longer in length than the length of the style.

The same structural features were reported.

The lengths of styles are larger than petal length.

The ranges were reported within the same range found in Kalimpong

Length of the filament was recorded 4 - 5 mm. in length. Length of style was recorded 3 - 4 mm in length

The ranges were reported within the same range found in Kalimpong.

Length of the style was recorded 3 - 4 mm