
Highlights related to AI


In Russia, 33% of managers are actively implementing artificial intelligence in their business.

Growth of the market for 48% to $139 million.

More than 41% of investments in the financial sector are directed to the development of artificial intelligence systems.

Standards in the field of artificial intelligence have been established, GOST 58776-2019.


There has been an almost 3-fold increase in the number of scientific studies related to AI.

The volume of IT, the market increased by $290 million.

The concept of legal regulation of AI has been created.


Creation of Codex (OpenAI).

Instead of cookies, Chromme uses Federated learning (FL), a machine learning technique that allows you to train models on multiple decentralized servers without centralizing training data.

AI received the first patent, a food container locking system.


Creation by Russian scientists of a biologically plausible memory model for AI systems.

Trend, “Generative artificial intelligence”

Revenue of the largest AI providers increased by two-thirds.