Objective variable


Pupils’ Sex

boy: 1, girl: 0

Body Mass Index


Sex of the guardian who answered

male: 1, female: 0

Does your fourth-grade child have any older brothers and/or sisters?

no: 1, yes: 0

Do you eat breakfast?

yes: 1, no: 0

Do you think that children should eat a lot?

yes: 1, no: 0

Who chooses your child’s snacks?

child: 1, other: 0

What are you most concerned about snacks for your child?

quantity: 1, other: 0

Does your child eat any snacks before dinner on weekdays?

every day: 1, sometime: 2, seldom: 3, no: 4

Do you worry about your child skipping meals?

yes: 1, a sometimes: 2, seldom: 3, no: 4

Do you make sure that your child does not overeat heavily seasoned foods?

yes: 1, sometimes: 2, seldom: 3, no: 4

Do you make sure that your child does not drink too many juices?

yes: 1, sometimes: 2, seldom: 3, no: 4

Do you make sure that your child does not overeat snacks?

yes: 1, sometimes: 2, seldom: 3, no: 4

Do you make sure that your child eats plenty of vegetables?

no: 1, seldom: 2, sometimes: 3, yes: 4

Do you make sure that your child does not have any likes and dislikes?

no: 1, seldom: 2, sometimes: 3, yes: 4

Do you make sure that your child enjoys mealtimes?

no: 1, seldom: 2, sometimes: 3, yes: 4

Do you make sure that your child eats rice and accompanying dishes alternatively?

no: 1, seldom: 2, sometimes: 3, yes: 4

Do you read all the school lunch program notices handed out from school?

no: 1, seldom: 2, sometimes: 3, yes: 4

Do you think that schools should give guidance to children to exercise?

no: 1, seldom: 2, sometimes: 3, yes: 4

Do you think that children should be provided with an exercise-friendly environment?

yes: 1, sometimes: 2, seldom: 3, no: 4

Do you think that your child’s body weight matches his/her height?

yes: 1, sometimes: 2, seldom: 3, no: 4

Do you think that children should learn about lifestyle diseases in school?

no: 1, yes: 0

Do you discuss with your children health guidance issues learned in school?

no: 1, yes: 0

Have you had a health checkup in the last year?

no: 1, yes: 0

Do you know the results of your own blood tests?

no: 1, yes: 0


How many hours do you sleep on school nights?
