
Lowest possible score

Highest possible score

Physical Functioning

Very limited in performing all physical activities

Performs all types of physical activities including the most vigorous without limitations due to health


Problems with work or other daily activities as a result of physical health

No problems with work or other daily activities

Bodily Pain

Very severe and extremely limiting pain

Feels peaceful, happy, and calm all of the time

General Health

Evaluates personal health as poor and believes it is likely to get worse

Evaluates personal health as excellent


Feels tired and worn out all of the time

Feels full of pep and energy all of the time

Social Functioning

Extreme and frequent interference with normal social activities due to physical and emotional problems

Performs normal social activities without interference due to physical or emotional problems


Problems with work or other daily activities as a result of emotional problems

No problems with work or other daily activities

Mental Health

Feelings of nervousness and depression all of the time

Feels peaceful, happy, and calm all of the time